Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kit has been ordered!

On a recent visit to Vermont, my Dad inquired about all the gear in my closet.  "You're going to need a new sport in order to buy new gear" he mused.  Silly Dad, I thought, there's clearly an absence in my collection:  something that floats. 

After years of prodding him to build me a rowing shell (no luck) and a new appreciation for paddling with my friend Jen, there was no doubt in my mind that my next sport (after triathlon, cycling, running, rowing, hiking, camping, skiing) would be kayaking.  My Dad taught me how to kayak so long ago that I don't even remember "learning" to kayak.  And after moving to Vermont surrounded by beautiful lakes just screaming to be paddled, it was about time to get back on the water (and this time facing forward)!

No matter that I don't know where to store this thing once it is done.  I live in a condo after all.  But no worries!  We'll eventually get to that part.

What started as a casual conversation snowballed into a winter project for Dad.  He could build all winter (and stay out of Mom's hair) in the basement (note Dad in his "Man Cave" with a previous project above!).  I could ask Santa for kayak gear and play with my new buoyant toy by my birthday in March (if ski season is over by then). 

Yesterday I placed an order for a Chesapeake 16LT kit (with additional wood for a hybrid hull) shipped directly to my parents' house.  Wood arrives November 2nd.  I'm hoping there's room in the basement for Larry to get started.

We'll try to keep this blog posted with the latest developments in boat building and kayak dreaming.  Thank you Dad for the kind "deal" on labor!